The first migrations to leave Africa crossed the Gate of Tears at the southern end of the Red Sea and began a coastal journey that took them all the way to Southeast Asia and Australia. Having lived and worked in central India for two years, this region is one with which I have formed deep attachments. Although culturally very different than my western upbringing, I felt a strange connection to the people of this region. This was borne out when my DNA test revealed that 17% of my DNA matches that of people in Southwest Asia.

Top: Arabia – Green Hills of Yemen
Bottom: Horn of Africa – Crossing the Gates of Grief by LiDoña Wagner 2016

Left: Pakistan & Afghanistan – Indus Valley Civilization
Right: India & Islands – Endangered Species Powerhouse
by LiDoña Wagner 2016

Stabile: Middle Eastern Astrolabe Collages – adapted and refined from the Greek during the Middle Ages. by LiDoña Wagner 2016

Stabile Collages: Phases of the moon and navigation instrument for tracking stellar configurations by LiDoña Wagner 2016